I was that kid that lied about their reading time. Hiawatha Elementary, if you’re reading this, I’m sorry. I did it to not disappoint Ms. Marrison.
Now that we’re past that apology, I’ve been weird about books. I have always fantasized about reading and gaining knowledge. Understanding stories and enjoying the journey an author brings you through. There is a magic that comes from finishing a book.
The Message Here
You might be feeling the same way. There is information everywhere and you’re reading all day. Caught up in the 3000 word essay that is sitting in your inbox right now from a coworker.
Reading should be enjoyed. You should feel like you’re flying on the wings of eagles. You should feel like Santiago in the Alchemist looking for his destiny in Egypt. You should feel the rush when Bilbo runs out his front door to catch up with the dwarves.
Take the time and don’t turn reading into a spectator sport. Envious of all the people who are doing it.
Get busy living, or get busy dying. - Stephen King
Where I’m At
I’m weirdly obsessed with books. I mean that I’m envious at all the ones being read, not by me.
I never finished the Harry Potter series and most books I ended up listening to on tape. I deeply desire the ability to read at the pace I want. I stare at books hoping that I’ll be at a 1000 WPM reader. I’m not there.
I’ve taken the courses and look to take more, but there is a gaping problem that I’m sure many of you have realized by now.
I have not taken the time to read.
I just don’t. I always find a reason why I can’t pick up a compelling novel or educational material. I am not allowing magic to pour into my life because the damn is closed. Ready to burst with a wealth of intellect and emotional releases.
How I plan to fix this
A book a month.
Nothing crazy. Just one. damn. book.
Has to be at least 150 pages and I have to spend 20 minutes everyday reading. My wife has been set as my accountability partner.
This plan will work and I’m dedicated to it. If you have any suggestions on punishments if I don’t, shoot me an email.