"You don't need the new thing"

I have to be reminded of this every day.
In guitar playing, we call it G.A.S. - Gear Acquisition Syndrome
We always want the new guitar, the new pedal, new amp, etc.
You are being sold something
If you consume any form of media, you are being bombarded with ads.
There are thousands of dollars being spent over the next hour to make sure YOU see what someone is selling. Yes, you. Specifically you. They want you to be invested in them, so the marketing gurus are aiming the money gun at you to buy their stuff.
Open Facebook right now and scroll for 2 minutes. Count the number of ads you see.
Probably a ton. They want your money.
I also want you to look at these ads and ask yourself, what is the problem they are portraying?
Every ad is trying to convince you that you have a problem and you need to solve it by buying their stuff.
You’re not hot enough? Buy this scent and your crush will love you.
Your phone doesn’t look like other people’s and you’re missing out on social status? Buy this new phone that was like the last one with upgrades you probably won’t use. *Gasp*
There is always a new piece of gear to be had. Sometimes it's useful. It's great to upgrade when you need to. Problem is, most of the time, you don't need to.
Get Practical
How does this apply to you?
I'm sure you already have something in mind you're looking to upgrade.
My recommendation to get over this is to look at the gear or software you have now. Ask yourself these questions.
How much do you know about it?
Is it broken?
Do I have pain points or is the new thing just shiny?
You might have everything you need and just need to use the tools you have.
You can leverage much more than you think you can. Make the tools work and you’d be surprised that the problem was you didn’t know how to use the tools you had.